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Senior Mersey Care officials and construction partners celebrated the 'topping on' of a state of the art 80-bed hospital, ending mental health dormitory wards in Liverpool.

Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership Chairman, Dave Sweeney, and gbpartnerships' Executive Chair, Paul Ferry, joined Mersey Care's future CEO Trish Bennett, Finance Director Rob Collins, and Chief Operating Officer Donna Robinson to tour the Mossley Hill site.

Trish Bennett, Mersey Care’s CEO-designate said:

“As well as being a stunning building, this site will be a massive step up in our clinical facilities. I know patients will truly benefit from the high quality therapeutic environment allowing them to rest and recover from their crisis episode.”

Dave Sweeney, Chair of Liverpool and Sefton Health Partnership (LSHP), said:

“We are immensely proud to be part of this transformative project for mental health care in Liverpool. The new Mossley Hill mental health facility symbolises our joint commitment to providing state-of-the-art sustainable environments that support both recovery and well-being. I’m excited to witness the final stages in the development of this future-ready facility."

Liverpool Sefton Health Partnership is overseeing the construction of the new mental health facility which will sit on the Mossley Hill Hospital site and is part of Mersey Care’s ambition to replace out-dated dormitory-style accommodation. The new state of the art, 80-bed adult mental health facility, will carry on a tradition of the site serving the people of Liverpool. Mersey Care’s departing CEO, Professor Joe Raffety CBE said:

“We’re less than a year from the completion of this impressive new site. It will give the people of Liverpool what they need – the very best care in a modern, therapeutic environment with single en suite facilities and easy access to gardens and open space. We know our current inpatient estate is a limiting factor in service users’ recovery so by delivering better buildings, Mersey Care is also setting newer and higher standards in mental health care and recovery. As a Trust, we’ve seen major new hospitals built at Clock View in Walton in 2015, two new secure forensic hospitals in Maghull, Southport’s Hartley Hospital, plus several major refurbishments and Mossley Hill demonstrates Mersey Care’s radical reshaping of inpatient care facilities for our patients.”

Trust Chair Rosie Cooper:

“As Chair of Mersey Care, I understand that the quality of the physical environment is hugely important for those experiencing inpatient care and am very pleased that the people of Liverpool will benefit from this wonderful facility.”

Read more about the project here.


Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust is forging ahead with plans to create a modern, state of the art, mental health facility on land at Mossley Hill, Liverpool, which the Trust owns.

Liverpool Sefton Health Partnership (LSHP), is overseeing the construction of the new mental health facility which will sit on the Mossley Hill Hospital site and is part of Mersey Care’s ambition to replace out-dated dormitory-style accommodation. The new state of the art, 80-bed adult mental health facility, will carry on a tradition of the site serving the people of Liverpool. This short newsletter (attached below) brings together a summary of progress with the development of this new mental health facility, including the social value and community impact delivered to date.

Jane Batchelor

NHS England’s Facet Survey Programme is part of the second phase of the Primary Care Data Gathering Programme that is intended to bring the information held on general practice premises in England up to a consistent baseline standard nationally.

Liverpool Sefton Health Partnerships facilitated the delivery of 6 facet surveys in Cheshire, Liverpool, Wirral, South Sefton and Southport and Formby for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICS. The programme has provided both Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) with the tools to support local planning and decision making, and present the data considered key to evidencing and identifying areas of need, opportunities for investment, and demonstrating cases for change.

Read the full case study here:

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