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Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership Ltd (LSHP) and its Management Services Provider, gbpartnerships, are proud to be actively supporting NHS organisations and Primary Care Networks to ensure that the primary and community healthcare estate is equipped to enable the rapid delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

Ainsdale Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Southport Centre for Health and Wellbeing and Speke Neighbourhood Health Centre are being used to deliver the COVID-19 vaccination programme across the local area. With the LSHP estates team, working in partnership with Community Health Partnerships, providing a range of assistance from inception to mobilisation, and the ongoing management of the sites.

CCGs, Community Health Partnerships, NHS Property Services and NHS England, as well as other NHS Organisations, are able to use the services of LIFT Companies without further procurement. These services include estate management, estate planning, service planning and property development.

LSHP’s strong partnerships and detailed local knowledge of the primary care & community estate makes us ideally placed to rapidly respond and support with the delivery of the vaccination programme.

For more details about how we can help or to request contact from a member of the team, please provide your details in the website contact form at the bottom of the home page.

Jane Batchelor

At the end of 2020, the LSHP Foundation provided much needed financial support for over 90 vulnerable children as part of the Picton Children’s Centre Christmas Campaign.

The Children’s Centre, based at the Picton Neighbourhood Health Centre, identified over 90 children in desperate need over the Christmas period due to the severe financial pressures on their families, with the children ranging in ages from new-born to 15 years. With usual fundraising activities curtailed because of the coronavirus, the funding from the LSHP foundation was used by the Children’s Centre to help distribute toys, pyjama’s, toiletries, selection boxes, hats and gloves and food shopping vouchers to the families in need.

Children’s Centre Area Manager, Liz Parsons commented:

“The help and support that LSHP provided for us at the beginning of the Covid crisis made such a difference and brought so much relief, this generous donation for the Christmas Campaign will be a huge help and go towards some of our most vulnerable families.”

Jane Batchelor

Mersey Care has invested in a new build mental health hospital that gives an historic site in Southport a new lease of life. Working with Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership (LSHP) and construction partner Farran Heron Joint Venture, who both successfully helped deliver Mersey Care's Clock View hospital, the project combines local mental health inpatient care and some related community services on a single modern site.

The first phase of a new mental health facility off Scarisbrick New Road, at the rear of Southport's existing Boothroyd Unit opened in December 2019. The hospital was completed in 2020. The new site continues a tradition of hospital provision on the former Southport General Infirmary site.

Hartley Hospital provides two 20-bed wards, one for adults the other for older inpatients, needing short-term mental health care and treatment, as well as an assessment suite for people needing a place of safety and assessment under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act. A range of community services and outpatient clinics are also be co-located there for the first time, enhancing seamless care.

The hospital contains a café, gym, family visiting room, multi-faith area and internal garden courtyards. All patient bedrooms are single with en suite bathrooms and have free-to-use televisions, supporting our commitment to ensure people who may be at their most vulnerable also have space to themselves with privacy and dignity.

Sefton Council granted planning permission subject to strict conditions. They said:

"The development would support one of the council's priorities in providing an improved health facility particular in relation to mental health, and would remove a part derelict site on a key route into Southport town centre."

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